Impression webinar Generation Management (Suriname)
It was really great to be able to offer the Generation Management webinar yesterday!
As a team we really enjoyed the process of preparation and the actual webinar yesterday afternoon with the aim of creating awareness about the topic of generation management.
It was also nice that not only executives, directors, HR professionals and other interested parties participated from #Suriname, but also from #the netherlands, #curacao, #stmaarten and the USA. So it turned out to be a very international group.
Thanks to all participants who participated very actively through their very interesting questions. They have helped us to make this event a success. We are so happy to have received so manyenthusiastic reactions from you today.
Suriname, keep an eye on i4HR, because in the future they will organize many more interesting events! Their website will be online soon:
#suriname #webinar #thedayafter #thankyou # i4hr #creatingmilestones #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #humanresources #generationmanagement #leiderschap #leiderschapsontwikkeling #generatiemanagement.