Vision board workshop January 2021 postponed
Every since establishing Creating Milestones, our vision board workshop has always been THE kick off of the new year for us. During this day relaxation, inspiration, creativity and having fun are key.
We guide the participants to think about their vision and their goals for the new year and make their own their vision board.
Unfortunately, the workshop cannot take place on the second Saturday in January 2021. It is not possible to fully comply with all the Corona measures. Hopefully we can reschedule the workshop to a later time in 2021. As we always say in the workshop: make your own plan, so that you do not become part of someone else’s plan (Remco Claassen)!
Despite the fact that 2020 has not always been easy for many, it does not alter the fact that everything new starts with a dream that gives direction (vision), goals and an action plan to realize your dreams. Currently, to determine your vision and associated goals are more important than ever and you can ALWAYS do that, with or without (corona) measures. Good luck and hopefully we will meet you soon again in our workshop.
#curacao #creatingmilestones #visionboard #workshop #postponed #dutchcaribbean #leadership