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Workshop Rotaract Club of Curaçao “Core Values”
Recently during our second workshop with members of the Rotaract Club of Curaçao we discussed “Core values”.
Besides the explanation of the added value and how core values can and should be used in their (personal) life, the members tried to determine their personal core values (value elicitation) in pairs. This resulted in some very interesting conversations and as certain members indicated: “I’ve known this person forever, but for the first time we had a deep, personal conversation like this”.
Hence the importance of this exercise. It is simple but often intense. It brings you to the core of who you are, what you stand for and how you evaluate others. And that isn’t always easy. Therefore, in my opinion knowing your core values especially when it comes to leadership development is imperative.
Because if you don’t who you are and are aware of what you stand for, how will you be able to lead others effectively?
Thank you for inviting me once more Rotaract Club of Curaçao!
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