Creating Milestones international online training platform for leadership development
It is nice to notice that Creating Milestones has developed into an international online training platform where professionals from various countries come together to further develop their leadership skills through interactive leadership development training. Not only are they intensively involved with the material, but they also learn a lot from each other.
I am still amazed at the fact that you can also really connect with the participants online (whilst they connect with each other as well), which is extremely important when you are engaged in a leadership development training.
Today we finalized the online training Interpersonal Effectiveness with professionals from Curaçao, Bonaire and the Netherlands. The training was rated extremely well once more with an average of 9.0 (out of 10). Therefore, I am very satisfied. The participants also indicated feedback, suggestions and various comments on the evaluation forms.
I would like to share a comment with you (although they were all beautiful :-): “This training is really a gift toyourself, if you want to understand and influence yourself and others better. Amazing online training and well applicable in practice! ”
Special thanks to all participants from this group. You know who you are!
If you are interested in leadership development and would like to attend one of our interactive online trainings with other professionals from various countries, please contact us.