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Free SLII™ ebook: Are you a directive or supportive leader?

Jun 7, 2021

Ken Blanchard Companies™ is one of the leading institutes worldwide when it comes to leadership development. They now offer the free SLII™ ebook “Are you a directive or a supportive leader?”. 

Ken is a firm believer of the fact that there is no best leadership style. The most effective leaders adapt their leadership style to the development level of the person that is being led. The SLII™ experience workshop has proven its effectiveness worldwide for many years now. Did you know that a majority of leaders—54 percent—use their default style with everyone. As you might imagine, this is not terribly effective!

In this free SLII™ ebook you will find a:

  • Leadership Style Quiz
  • Summary of SLII® Leadership Styles, Skills, and Micro Skills
  • Strengths and Weaknesses Quiz

Click the following link to access the SLII™ ebook and the possibility to download: Are-you-a-directive-or-supportive-leader

Did you know Creating Milestones is a proud channel partner and is certified to offer the official SLII ™ experience workshop on our islands to further enhance the leadership skills of the leaders on our islands?

Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you would like to receive more information on the SLII™ experience workshop.

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