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Leadership Development Workshop for OMCarib
I am excited that OM Carib decided to include leadership development into their curriculum during their OMCarib Academy, which focusses on training and development of its employees from St. Maarten, Curaçao and de BES islands.
Creating Milestones was invited to offer the workshop “Achieving more success with emotional intelligence and personal leadership” during those days. Both topics close to my heart
. Research shows that EQ is critical nowadays to ensure success and an important driver to leadership and personal excellence.

I enjoyed the experience (because an experience it was!). Extremely well organized with interesting people and workshop topics. Pleased to notice that leadership development is on the agenda now of many organizations on our islands. Thank you OM Carib for the invite!
If you would like to receive more information on in-house leadership development workshops or training, please contact us.
#OMCarib #openbaarministerieCarib #OMCaribAcademy #prosecutorofficeCarib #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #curacao #stmaarten #bonaire #saba #steustatius #statia #koninkrijk #dutchcaribbean #creatingmilestones #leiderschapsontwikkeling #leiderschap #emotionalintelligence #EQ #persoonlijkleiderschap