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Operant conditioning exercise with ADC executives
When it comes to leadership development and influence, people often think of effective communication. Although being able to influence others of course is essential, there are many more #leadershipskills that are important for the modern effective #leader.
Among other things, being able to effectively influence behavior through #operantconditioning. Yesterday, during the training with executives from the ADC (Analytical Diagnostic Center) in Curaçao, we did an exercise in which a participant was conditioned by his colleagues. It was exciting whether they would be able to influence his behaviour, but they did it!
So yesterday they learned to apply another great tool as a leader! This way the new leaders are being formed with the necessary skills, which are required today, in the longest-running in-house leadership development #trajectory of Creating Milestones.
#leadership #curacao🇨🇼 #dutchcaribbean #leader #leadership development #creatingmilestones #skills #leadershiptraining #leaders #proud #conditioning #newleaders #subconsciousmind #changemanagement #ChangeManagement #changeleadership