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SLII leadership training Kooyman Curaçao
Thank you Kooyman Curacao!
Recently, Creating Milestones provided a training to a group of managers to enhance their leadership skills. They wanted to learn skills to lead their team members more effectively. I loved their pro activeness and how they kept me sharp with all their questions

During the SLII training, based on the leadership styles model of Ken Blanchard, they learned about the theory and received many tools and resources to apply in their practice immediately: different leadership styles based on different situations. All participants received their report of the official Leadership Behavior Analysis (LBA II) assessment to gain more insight on their preferences.
And for everything is a first time: we had a special participant: Ben, the tiniest newborn kitten of just one week old
. During the breaks little Ben was fed and made the cutest noises

Thank you dear participants and of course Marysol
! Hopefully, we will soon meet again

#kooyman #kooymancuracao #curacao #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #creatingmilestones #dutchcaribbean #SLII #TheKenBlanchardCompanies #build2grow #leadershiptraining #leadershipskills #managers