First lunch female leaders
Courageous conversations, self-awareness and vulnerability.
Those were important elements of our first FutureWomen X Curaçao lunch. It’s fantastic to organize this together with Chief FutureMaker Patricia Becker.
It is no longer just about the top position of these local women leaders. It’s bigger than that. Purpose and legacy. Connect and reinforce eachother. The power of X: our full potential multiplied. Tapping into our collective wisdom. FutureMakers. Powerful local powerhouses of women who will make a difference together.
This is the start of something beautiful. Something powerful. Together we can change the world. But let’s start with Curaçao 😊💕.
#muhetamandamundu #ourhandsunited #raisingselfawareness #curacao #futuremakers #nodreamistoobig #dutchcaribbean #femaleleadership #purpose #legacy #makingadifference #addingvalue #futurewomenX #creatingmilestones #zelfbewustzijn #selfawareness