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Article-Generation management (in Dutch)
I have exciting news that I would like to share: I have written my first article(ever)!
The topic is leading different generations on the work floor in #curacao and #aruba for Coaching magazine (in Dutch)🤓. Coaching magazine is a magazine for managers and directors in Curaçao 🇨🇼 and Aruba 🇦🇼 .
If you are interested to read the article, go to the website of Coaching Magazine (page 28-31): http://coaching-magazine.net/editie-2-2019.html or click here.
Thank you Gofrie and Marjolijn of Coaching magazine for the opportunity and your guidance.
#generationmanagement #generatiemanagement #leiderschap #leiderschapsontwikkeling #curacao #aruba #coachingmagazine #artikel #dutchcaribbean #caribbean #seizingopportunities