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Webinar Generation Management (Papiamentu)
Target group: lower, middle and top management, HR professionals, ambitious professionals.
Managers around the world experience many challenges leading teams/departments which consist of employees from different generations.
Through this webinar Creating Milestones aims to create more awareness on the topic of Generation Management to help organizations prevent losing thousands of dollars a year. Many organizations are not aware of the potential financial impact of various generations on the work floor if not managed effectively.
During this webinar millennials from Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao themselves will inform you on this subject from their point of view!
If you would like to receive more information on:
• The needs of different generations on the work floor?
• How can you manage the various generations of employees within your team, taking into account the differences between them?
• How you can retain talented employees within your organization?
• What does it require from you as a manager?
Then you should attend this webinar and register here.
#dutchcaribbean #curacao #bonarie #aruba #webinar #generationmanagement #leadershipdevelopment #leiderschapsontwikkeling #leiderschap #leadership #creatingmilestones