Interpersonal effectiveness (online training)

Interpersonal effectiveness (online training)

-Click here to register- For whom? Executives, HR professionals, project managers and ambitious professionals. This online masterclass starts March 24, 2022 and will be offered in Dutch. Please click here to read the flyer (in Dutch).  This interactive training, in...
Operant conditioning exercise with ADC executives

Operant conditioning exercise with ADC executives

When it comes to leadership development and influence, people often think of effective communication. Although being able to influence others of course is essential, there are many more #leadershipskills that are important for the modern effective #leader. Among other...
Column published in newspaper (Antilliaans Dagblad)

Column published in newspaper (Antilliaans Dagblad)

 I am so excited that my column “Talentverspilling” was published once more in the newspaper Antilliaans Dagblad. This column was first published on Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties, a Dutch online platform.  #antilliaansdagblad #column #columnist #krant #media...
Column “Talentverspilling”

Column “Talentverspilling”

Today my column “Talentversplling” (Waste of talent) was published on the online platform Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties (in Dutch). I write a 6-weekly column about Curaçao. Please click here to read the column.  #column #columnist #curacao #koninkrijk #dutchcaribbean...
First time published in a book

First time published in a book

Today the online platform Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties celebrates its one year anniversary! As a gift for all readers, a book has been compiled in which the columns of all columnists of the six islands of the former Dutch Antilles are bundled. For me this is extra...