Enjoy the Holiday season and stay safe and healthy!!! We will meet again in 2022. #holidayseason #grateful #bestwisheswarmestregards #creatingmilestones #lookingforwardto2022 #thank you Sign up and receive all our updates Email Address * First Name Last Name CONTACT...
Today my column “Grote schoonmaak” was published on the online platform Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties (in Dutch). I write a 6-weekly column about Curaçao.Please click here to read the column. #column #columnist #curacao #koninkrijk #dutchcaribbean #onlineplatform...
I am excited that OM Carib decided to include leadership development into their curriculum during their OMCarib Academy, which focusses on training and development of its employees from St. Maarten, Curaçao and de BES islands. Creating Milestones was invited to offer...
It was such an honor and a challenge when I was asked to write columns for the Dutch online platform Dossier Kingdom Relations. Another step “out of my comfort zone”. So it was extra exciting when the Editor in Chief of the newspaper Antilliaans Dagblad approached me...
Who said online workshops can’t be interactive and fun? Caribglobal Data Services B.V. is aware of the fact that effective leadership is imperative during any project. Yesterday I offered a leadership development workshop for their group of coordinators for them to...
Today my column “Schoenmaker blijf bij je leest” was published on the online platform Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties (in Dutch). I write a 6-weekly column about Curaçao.Please click here to read the column. #column #columnist #curacao #koninkrijk #dutchcaribbean...