Online training schedule September-December 2021

Online training schedule September-December 2021

Please find below the online training schedule for our masterclasses in September-December 2021 including all the registration forms for the different masterclasses. Target groups for the masterclasses: executives, managers, HR professionals, project managers,...
Column “Purpose en nalatenschap”

Column “Purpose en nalatenschap”

Today my column “Purpose en nalatenschap” (“Purpose and legacy”) was published on the online platform Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties (in Dutch). I write a 6-weekly column about Curaçao. This column is about the leadership, purpose and legacy of Curaçao legend Cedric...
Webinar Leadership and mental health

Webinar Leadership and mental health

Yesterday we, Optima Curacao and Creating Milestones, offered the free webinar Leadership and mental health in a “full house”.Based on the number of registrations and the many questions that were asked during the webinar, it appears that this topic really is a concern...
Free webinar Leadership and mental health (Papiamentu)

Free webinar Leadership and mental health (Papiamentu)

Creating Milestones organizes the webinar Leadership and Mental Health in collaboration with Optima Curacao. We have observed in practice that the number of employees with (extreme) stress complaints or even burnouts has increased exponentially on our islands since...
Column “Purpose en nalatenschap”

Column “Kanta Hélele”

I got inspired by singer and songwriter Izaline Calister from Curaçao to write todays column for the online platform Sometimes you just need music to describe how things are going on this side of the ocean 😊.Please click here to read the...