Free SLII™ ebook: Are you a directive or supportive leader?

Free SLII™ ebook: Are you a directive or supportive leader?

Ken Blanchard Companies™ is one of the leading institutes worldwide when it comes to leadership development. They now offer the free SLII™ ebook “Are you a directive or a supportive leader?”. Ken is a firm believer of the fact that there is no best...
Article “Raising your energy and keeping a balanced mind”

Article “Raising your energy and keeping a balanced mind”

Recently I have written an article for Entrepreneur Caribbean magazine. It could be interesting not only for entrepreneurs, but for anyone who is focused right now to raise their energy level and keep their balanced mind. Please click here to read the...
Column on Dossier

Column on Dossier

Today my column “Geen Ponche Krema meer” (“No more Ponche Krema”) was published on the online platform Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties (in Dutch). I write a 6-weekly column about Curaçao. This column is about mental health, stress, fears and...
Article LinkedIn (Three differences introverts-extraverts)

Article LinkedIn (Three differences introverts-extraverts)

Recently I have written and article on LinkedIn about three differences (and tips) between introverts and extroverts within the workplace that many people are not aware of.  Please click here if you would like to read the article. Feel free to contact us , if you...
Online Masterclass (Dutch) Interpersonal Effectiveness

Online Masterclass (Dutch) Interpersonal Effectiveness

We will start on May 26, 2021 with this interactive online masterclass. Make sure you do not miss it. Whom is this online masterclass for? Managers, HR professionals, project managers and other ambitious professionals.Please read flyer for additional information (in...